Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Moving the wave article in NT Spring 2011 Newsletter

NT Formby Spring 2011 Newsletter -

Sunday, 13 March 2011

the wave sculpture early morning light

Local photographer frazerweb takes incredible pictures of the wave sculpture at the national Trust reserve, Formby.

Wave Sculptor Freshfield

Wave Sculptor Freshfield by frazerweb
Wave Sculptor Freshfield a photo by frazerweb on Flickr.

Local photographer frazerweb takes incredible pictures of the wave sculpture at the national Trust reserve, Formby.

Wood Sculpture Freshfield carpark

Local photographer frazerweb takes incredible pictures of the wave sculpture at the national Trust reserve, Formby.

Moving wave sculpture 06

Wave in position next to beach carpark at squirrel reserve,Freshfield.

moving the wave 05

First attempt at negotiating the dune system.

moving the wave 04

The wave made it to the beach carpark without any difficulty.

moving the wave 03

Wave is raised clear of the ground. No going back now!

moving the wave 02

First test lift goes well

Moving wave sculpture 01

Sculpture is undermined at build site in preparation for the move.

Moving wave sculpture video